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| Last Updated:: 12/07/2024


A worker sprays carbofuran on a tree
Carbofuran is a white crystalline solid insecticide used to control nematodes, rootworm, and beetles. It is sprayed on soil and plants, just after the plants emerge from the ground. Carbofuran is used on a number of crops, including alfalfa, rice, grapes, and corn.
Carbofuran Application
Control of soil - dwelling and foliar feeding insects (including wireworms, white grubs, millipedes symphylids, frit flies, root flies, flea beetles, weevils, sciarid flies, aphids, etc.) and nematodes in vegetables, beet, maize, sorghum, sunflowers, oilseed rape, potatoes, peanuts, soyabeans, sugar cane, rice, cotton, coffee, curcurbits, lavender, citrus, strawberries, mushrooms, and other crops.
Carbofuran Mode of action
  • Carbofuran inhibit cholinesterase, combined with cholinesterase irreversible, so the toxicity is high.
  • Carbofuran can be absorbed by plant roots, transportation to the plant organs.
Attention of Carbofuran
  1. High toxicity, forbidden to spraying
  2. In rice fields,Carbofuran can not be used with stam, swep, lest produce the adr
  3. Detoxification medicine for atropine, phosphate-solubilizing is strictly prohibited
Degradation pathway of carbofuran
Degradation pathway of Carbofuran
  1. Several bacteria are involved in the hydrolysis of metabolites and
  2. Fungal degradation of carbofuran may occur via hydroxylation at the three position and oxidation to 3-ketocarbofuran.
Source: -mechanisms-genetics-and-strategies-to-enhance-the-process
Cabofuran pesticides use in Agricultural field
(Okra ladies finger vegetable farming: Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) or ladies finger is a popular annual vegetable grown in tropic & subtropics. Tender green fruits are cooked in curry & soup. The seeds are also rich in edible oils & protein. The oils extracted from the seeds are used in making soap, various cosmetics. The proteins in the seeds are used as supplements in feed fortification.)
Land preparation & soil
  • The roots have a well developed tap root system & so it is recommended to grow okra in well drained, humid, rich soils containing good amounts of organic content.
  • Loose, friable soils are best suited. The land selected should be free from weeds & clods & other formations should be pulverized.
  • Sowing is done either by seed drill or hand dibbling.
  • The seeds are sowed on ridges & spacing between the plants on each ridge should be around 45 cm the distance between each row of ridges should be at least 75 cm. the land has to be thoroughly plowed as tiny stones & clods have a detrimental effect on germination.
  • Organic manure should be mixed well in the soils and carbofuran granules must be added to prevent soil nematodes from eating the seeds.
  • This will help the germinating seeds for a period of 3 weeks. The seeds have a strong seed coat & this can be broken by soaking the seeds in water/curds overnight.
Safety for the environment
  • There are a number of harmful effects that chemical pesticides can have on the environment:
  • Chemical pesticides can kill useful insects which eat pests.
  • Just one spray can upset the balance between pests and the useful predators which eat them.
  • Artificial chemicals can stay in the environment and in the bodies of animals causing problems for many years.
  • Insect pests can very quickly, over a few breeding cycles, become resistant to artificial products and are no longer controlled.
  • This means that increased amounts or stronger chemicals are then needed creating further economic, health and environmental problems.
Cabofuran in the environment